When God created me

     He had a space for me to fill

     A problem for me to fix

     A wide gap of opportunities to cover

     He had a foresight

     that I would need insight

     He built a tower of  jewels

     Jewels of talents                                           

     Jewels of abilities

    That are to be found 

    By no other person but me......

                     (excerpt from PRICELESS by ENECHUKWU GOODNESS) 

Every girl or boy is born with a jewel, in other words a talent, a gift, an ability that must be utilized during his or her stay on Earth. A lot of teens and youths have expressed the difficulty in discovering their talents. It has become a topic of discussion in peer groups of teens and youths respectively.

To begin with, let's get to know what a talent is. According to Merriam Webster's dictionary, it is a natural endowment of a person. It can also be seen as a marked natural ability or skill embedded in a person. It has been deposited in every person by the one who created them. It might not be extremely big but it's something that you can do and do very well.

When I was in Junior Secondary School, I struggled with the issue of finding my talent. In fact I thought I was just an entity that existed. But at some point I noticed that in my spare time, I would see myself drawing a particular thing just for the fun of it. It started in very little way until it developed by reason of my consistence and commitment. A lot of people admired my work and then I came to realize that I had discovered my talent.

There are things that come to mind when we hear the word "talent". Talents like singing, dancing, acting, performing, drawing, public speaking, writing etc. are what moves some people. But there are also talents like decision making, critical thinking, Leadership, problem solving, team work, entrepreneurship, perseverance etc. that people might not see as talents but they are all talents embedded in a person waiting to be discovered.

In discovering your talent you should first examine what you enjoy doing. What is that particular activity that you take delight in, that never wears you out. There must be something that when you do it, you feel accomplished and at ease.

What activity do you engage in your free time. Are there activities that you find yourself doing in your spare time. What skills do you engage in when you are free. It's likely to be your talent.

Furthermore, is there a trait or character in you that attracts the praise of people. What do people admire most about you ,that rare ability that draws their attention to you.

Another step to discovering your talent is asking your friend what your best and worst qualities are. These friends should be trusted and sincere friends who will tell you the truth about yourself. This can also help discover your talent.

Finally, the best step to take is to ask God your creator to show you your talent. From the poem above, it is already established that God put those abilities there and he alone can help you find it. I believe with these few steps you can begin the journey to finding the unique you and excelling in what you are born to be.

Thanks for readingšŸ˜‰

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You are lovedšŸ’–


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