Have you ever come to a point where you feel you are worth nothing, probably because the storms of life have beaten you to a point of irrecognition.

You stare at yourself in the mirror and you can't recognize yourself. You feel Life's troubles have squeezed out the valuable content in you, that all that is left is an empty, wretched container. 

You don't believe that you can be anything useful both to yourself and to the people around you. 

Wake up!!! the Devil just fed you a lie, because you've been listening to him a lot lately. Yes, God might have placed those troubles on your way to build you, but you bought the the lie of the enemy that it was a road to failure and endless troubles. 

I had a similar case, I felt like I was nothing, you know times when you unconsciously look at yourself and conclude that you can't amount to anything, I was there.

Fortunately, I was going through my diary one day and stumbled on God's word and promises that I wrote down some years back and I was shocked. I was stunned and couldn't come to believe and accept that I wrote them down and that God spoke those words to me.

But you know what, I didn't stop there , I kept reading and I felt an invisible hand lift me from the dungeon where my mind was serviced, where my hopes were buried, where my Faith was smashed and where God's promises to me where thrown away. 

Suddenly, I felt a strong and unusual feeling to LIVE, an unusual excitement to be what God wanted me to be. 

Those lies the enemy told me where rags of unbelief he dressed me with, they kept piling up and I walked around in them. Though invisible to men, I could see them, I even appreciated them my mind was polluted. I felt a hand undress me of all those rags and clothed me with a garment of praise instead of heaviness of heart, he anointed me with the oil of gladness and my eyes with eye salve to see all that he had prepared for me. 

Since then, I came to understand that the enemy is not just seeking to destroy your body, he wants to destroy your mind first, then he'd have the rest of your life to himself.

In Rom. 12:2, it was proved that you can offer your body to God, but if your mind is not transformed daily by his word, it will be useless. He needs everything, he needs you whole: physically, emotionally, mentally and all.

If you feel today that your mind has been clouded by the lies of the enemy, it's not too late to offer it too. He can mend it, he can cleanse it, he can transform it. Give him a chance!

P.s: Remember to put down all that God has said to you in a quality writing material or save it to your Google drive , trust me you'd be grateful you did later in Life.😍❤️

If you were blessed by this piece, share with us what you were challenged to do in the comment section 👇

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