I've heard people say things like "where were you when I needed you" especially to their very close friends and they get really worked up about it. There are moments in your life that it looks like everyone has deserted you. Less people are around you, your phone lays cold all day without any single call coming through. And you begin to feel so lonely and deserted, it's as if your existence is not known. No one notices you or interacts with you. Also there are moments when it seems like people just found out you actually exist and they flock around you so much that you find it hard to manage the traffic of attention. I experienced this a lot and was initially worked up about it. But God gave me an understanding about this. There are times in your life that many people will not be around you. Don't freak out or get worried, it's just a period of solace that God wants you to maximise. It's not a time to be sucked in by depression and beginning to pity y...
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